Title IX

Sexual Assault Help

What is Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault is an umbrella term used to describe a wide range of forced and unwanted sexual activity including kissing, exhibitionism, groping, and rape. Victims might be coerced into sexual acts through verbal or non-verbal threats or through the use of substances, such as alcohol or drugs. Sexual assault doesn’t always involve physical contact – acts such as voyeurism and exhibitionism can still count as unwanted sexual attention.

Delta State University expects that all members of the University community – students, faculty, and staff – should be able to pursue their work and education in a safe environment, 没有性别/基于性别的不当行为. To this end, the University is committed to maintaining a learning and working environment free of sexual misconduct. 不当性行为一词包括, but is not limited to, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, sexual intimidation, sexual harassment, stalking, dating violence, and domestic violence. 大学旨在通过教育预防不当性行为, training, clear policies, 违反者将面临严重后果.

大学相信对基于性/性别的不当行为零容忍. Zero tolerance means that when an allegation of misconduct is brought to an appropriate administrator’s attention, 将采取保护和其他补救措施,以确保, within reason, that such conduct ends, is not repeated, 对受害者和社区的影响得到了补救.  Both women and men should know that the University is committed to providing a consistent, timely and caring response to anyone who is the victim of sexual misconduct within the campus community.


Consent is defined as a clear and unmistakable agreement expressed in mutually understandable words or actions to engage in a particular activity. 任何一方都可以在任何时候撤销同意. Consent must be voluntarily given and may not be valid if a person is being subjected to actions or behaviors that elicit emotional or psychological pressure, intimidation, or fear. Consent to engage in one sexual activity or past agreement to engage in a particular sexual activity cannot be presumed to constitute consent to engage in a different sexual activity or to engage again in a sexual activity. Consent cannot be validly given by a person who is under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.


首先,你身体安全吗?  If not, call 911 for an ambulance or notify someone you truest to come to your location.  If you live on campus, you can call the DSU Campus Police at (662) 846-4155; Ms. Deidra Byas, the Title IX Coordinator at (662) 846-4690; or Ms. 罗谢尔·奥斯利,学生发展主任,电话:(662)846-4667.  他们可以通知KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载咨询中心的咨询师你的需求, 并为您联系任何紧急服务.

If you are safe, talking with the counselor is confidential should you wish to discuss your options. 校园咨询中心位于O. W. 赖利学生健康中心早上8点开始.m. – 5:00 p.m.  他们的电话号码是(662)846-4690.  If you live in the city, the Cleveland Police Department can be contacted at (662) 843-3611 or the Bolivar County Sheriff’s Office at (662) 843-5378.  全国虐待热线是一个24小时的支持系统. 他们的KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载是1-800-656-HOPE (4673).

Recognizing Sexual Abuse

College provides an environment for many students to explore intimate relationships with casual partners or serious relationships. 在这些关系的范围内, however, inexperienced partners may not have the tools and experience needed to identify troubling behaviors. 最早的虐待并不总是身体上的. Controlling habits can begin with manipulative comments or angry outbursts either in-person or over phone, text or social media.

It is extremely important for young adults to be able to recognize warning signs of a problematic relationship, 在虐待升级之前. 最常见的情绪或身体虐待高危指标如下:

Emotional Abuse

  • Tone: Seemingly harmless statements can transform into threats or insults if your partner uses a disparaging or aggressive tone.
  • Language choice: A partner blames you for things or uses coarse language, such as swear words, while speaking to you.
  • Jealousy: 你的伴侣似乎对你与其他人的互动持怀疑态度. 你的伴侣试图控制你们的互动, isolate you, 或者监控你与他人的通信.
  • Controlling statements: 你的伴侣发出命令,或者经常说你“必须”或“必须”做某事.
  • Pejorative language: 你的伴侣用侮辱性的名字或形容词称呼或描述你, such as “stupid” or “idiotic.”
  • Threats: Your partner attempts to control you with “or else” statements or negative consequences if you don’t comply with their wishes. 你的伴侣可能会用身体、情感或语言虐待来威胁你.

Physical Abuse

  • Violence: 你的伴侣使用不必要的和强迫的接触. 这可以包括从抓手腕到击打身体的任何动作.
  • Threatening body language: 你的伴侣使用有力的动作, such as lunging toward you, glaring at you, 或者侵犯你的私人空间.
  • Damaging property: Your partner has lost their temper and damaged items around the house, such as smashing dishes.
  • Violence during sex: 你的伴侣在性生活中非常强势甚至暴力.

BESTCOLLEGES.COM (http://www.bestcolleges.com/resources/preventing-sexual-assault/)

Basic Safety Guidelines

  • Know your alcohol limits: Over half of sexual assaults committed against college students involve alcohol (http://www.collegedrinkingprevention.gov/supportingresearch/journal/journalstudiesalcohol.aspx),据韦恩州立大学的研究人员称. Intoxication can make you significantly more vulnerable to assaults by impairing your judgment or inhibiting your physical ability to fight off an attacker. 酗酒者特别容易丧失行为能力, blackout or unconsciousness.
  • Watch your drinks: 把你的饮料带到洗手间去. Never drink a beverage that has been given to you by someone else or taken from a communal alcohol source (like a punch bowl).
  • Trust your gut: 如果你对一个地方或一个人有不好的感觉,马上离开. We often subconsciously process body language and other danger indicators without realizing it. 如果你觉得有什么不对劲,或者你觉得有人在追你, 朝最近人群的方向走, lighted area or building. 开始大声讲电话. 许多攻击者不愿意追求那些具有攻击性或大声喧哗的受害者, 是什么引起了人们对犯罪的注意.
  • Stick with your friends: 和一群你信任的朋友一起参加社交聚会. 互相照顾,帮助对方安全到家. If you do go out alone, always tell someone where you are going and avoid walking in unlit or un-trafficked parts of town or campus.

BESTCOLLEGES.COM (http://www.bestcolleges.com/resources/preventing-sexual-assault/)


If you’ve identified that your partner exhibits the controlling or aggressive behaviors listed above and you are too afraid to bring these issues up safely within your relationship, it’s time to get help. Victims often realize the dangers of their situation after it’s too late; the dynamic between the abuser and abused is strategically created to discourage the victims to acknowledge or address the problem.

亲密伴侣虐待和暴力永远都是不对的. It is more common than you may think and it is wholly within your power and your rights to get out safely.

  • 联系校园辅导员或支持热线: 如果你不确定如何摆脱虐待你的伴侣, 联系位于O的校园咨询中心. W. Reily Student Health Center. 他们的电话号码是(662)846-4690. 您也可以拨打技术支持热线寻求帮助. Love Is Respect (http://www.loveisrespect.org/for-yourself/contact-us/)和全国家庭暴力热线(http://www.thehotline.org/)均提供全天候电话协助.
  • Try not to blame yourself: 自责在虐待关系中非常普遍. 你很容易被困在自己的处境中. However, your partner’s abusive actions are absolutely not your fault or a sign of weakness on your part. 当你寻求帮助时,请记住这一点.
  • List safe places: 知道如果你需要逃离虐待你的伴侣,你可以去哪里. 这可能包括校园咨询中心, a trusted friends’ dorm room, a survivors’ shelter, 或者是宿舍员工办公室.
  • 记录敌对通信: It can be emotionally painful to save threatening messages that your partner sends. However, voice messages, emails, IMs, and other hostile communications can be immensely useful to demonstrate a history of assault when you speak with counselors or authorities.
  • Get counseling: 校园咨询中心位于O. W. Reily Student Health Center. 他们的电话号码是(662)846-4690. On-site counselors are trained to help with relationship assault and domestic violence. Deidra Byas, Title IX协调员(662)846-4690,或Mr. Michael Lipford, the Director for Student Development at (662) 846-4667 can also assist you with seeking counseling services.
  • Call the police: 如果你受到攻击威胁, 试图到达一个安全的地方,并立即报警. DSU警察局的KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载是(662)846-4155. 克利夫兰警察局的联系电话是(662)843-3611.


  • 帮助受害者到达远离攻击者的安全地点. 尽可能让受害者感到安全和被倾听.
  • 许多受害者为袭击自责. 告诉受害者性侵不是他们的错.
  • Be a supportive listener. 感谢受害者告诉你这件事. 一开始避免说那些让人感到无力的话,比如“对不起”.”
  • 如果你看到了攻击者或目击了袭击的任何部分, 对事件做详细记录.
  • 鼓励受害者与大学警察局联系, The Title IX Coordinator, 学生发展主任, or the University Health Center.
  • Accompany the victim to the hospital and ensure they meet with medical professionals who specialize in sexual assault trauma.
  • Follow up with the victim. 鼓励参加咨询会议和支持小组.

BESTCOLLEGES.COM (http://www.bestcolleges.com/resources/preventing-sexual-assault/)

Quick Contacts

DSU Campus Police (662) 846-4155
Title IX Coordinator (662) 846-4690
Director of Student Development (662) 846-4667
O.W. Reily Student Health Center (662) 846-4690
Cleveland Police Department (662) 843-3611
Bolivar County Sheriff’s Office (662) 843-5378
National Abuse Hotline 1-800-656-4673